Monday, March 3, 2014


The first few pictures are from the Ever After Party, an RVA event that supported the ballet. We had a blast! Lots of dancing, a photo booth, and seeing everyone all dressed up instead of in leotards everyday was so fun.
Performing in Cinderella was truly magical.  I was cast as the Winter Fairy which is a soloist role! What an honor!
I wore HUGE fake eyelashes which had to be documented! haha
I was "so powerful" as the winter fairy, that I brought on a huge snow storm which postponed opening night! ;) My three little sprites that danced on stage with me said I was the best fairy of them all because they go to miss school because of me;) cuties.
Also, my mom and my two littlest sisters got to come visit me and see me perform! Thankful for them and their constant love and support.
I am living my dream.

Lauren Elizabeth

1. On a constant journey to "accept the mystery (manna) as grace".* Living a life full of waiting on the Lord.
2. Most Tuesdays, the girls come over for Tea Time Tuesday! We chat and drink tea and sew pointe shoes.
3. SJ and I went to the Area 10 Barnyard Party at Hanover Farm. Great night of fellowship and singing covers of songs around the bonfire.
4-5. For my 22nd birthday, I had some friends over for a flower potluck. We each brought flowers and exchanged them to make our own arrangements.
6. Performed in the Rite of Spring! Definitely unlike anything I have ever done before, but so fun to perform!
7. First Balanchine piece! I was a Russian girl in Serenade! I was LIVING on that stage!
8. This handsome man of mine came to RVA to visit me for Thanksgiving:)
9. Our first solo Thanksgiving meal! Not too shabby...:)
10. Went on tour to Norfolk to perform in the Nutcracker! I love the people with whom I work. Forming great relationships.
11. I got to perform my first soloist role in the Nutcracker! I was the Shepherdess! (soli deo gloria)
12. My very best friend got ENGAGED! WHAT?!?! So happy for her!
13. Got to go home and spend Christmas and New Years with my family and my man.
14. haha Photobooth fun at a work event! Did I mention I love my job? :)

*from Ann Voskamp's, One Thousand Gifts.

Lauren Elizabeth

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

My first month in RBII

Brunch after church with my roommate.

Jesus time and good conversation with a friend at my favorite coffee shop in my neighborhood, Black Hand Coffee Co.

I've been sick with bronchitis, lots of How I Met Your Mother and drawing and dreaming.

Birthday brunch at our house for the dancers last week was such a success!

Season kick-off event at Richmond Ballet with all the RBII girls!
- Lauren Elizabeth

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

End of an era

I can't believe it's over.
My two years in NYC were absolutely incredible. I met people who have changed me and have learned more than I ever thought I would. This past week held many long days and lots of tears shed. I have never felt so devastated to leave a city and a group of people. They will always be in my heart. I feel so thankful for the good times and the bad times! God proved himself faithful over and over again. Eucharisteo.
There is nothing like NYC. There is nothing like Ellison Ballet. I miss it so much already. I keep reflecting on it like I'm watching my past in a movie, a movie I wanna watch over and over again. It will be a favorite of mine forever. I hope I never forget it. I hope I see them all again. I hope they find joy.
Soli deo Gloria.
- Lauren Elizabeth

Friday, May 31, 2013

Warm heart

Some of my favorite people are in NYC this weekend to see my showcase before I leave this incredible city! This sight just makes me so happy! Drinking my coffee, eating my peanut butter toast, and spending time with The Lord while this sleeping beauty is next to me. I love my sister:)

- Lauren Elizabeth

Location:My apartment

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Bits and Pieces

1. Excerpt from my favorite daily read, Streams in the Desert.
2. Qdoba for lunch on a rainy Saturday with Jenna. Oh how we miss Oklahoma and our hearts go out to all those in need right now. 
4. Action shot in rehearsal for my variation in our spring showcase.
5. Earl grey macron from Kahve after a long day.
6. Sewing pointe shoes almost everyday it seems like.
7-9. Recent purchases!
10. Alice's Tea Cup with Jenna and Abigail for brunch.
11. Finally tried Wafels & Dinges. (with ice cream and nutella!)
12-14. Sitting on the grass in Lincoln Center with friends. Heart is happy:)
15. Buying souvenirs to remember this great city I call home.